• TG EAPCET counselling code: GRCP
  • TG PGECET counselling code: GRCP1
Virtual Tour of GRCP

Examination Branch @ GRCP

One of the main strength of GRCP is examination cell, which always functioning on the following aspects

  1. Conduction of sessional exams of B. Pharmacy and M. Pharmacy courses as per the almanac scheduled by Osmania University (OU).
  2. Scrutinization of sessional exams answer scripts.
  3. Coordinates the sessional marks entry of both theory and practical subjects in the OU portal & in ledger.
  4. Intimation of sessional exams absentees to their parents through SMS.
  5. Sending Sessional exams marks to parents through SMS.
  6. End Semester examination results (memos) will be sent to parents through post.
  7. Conduction of end semester practical exams and marks entry in OU portal.
  8. Result analysis execution for both sessional and end semester exams.
  9. Documentation for various inspections, such as OU, PCI, AICTE, NBA, MHRD & Governing body meetings.

Contact Information:

B.Pharmacy sessional exams coordinator Dr. N. Swathi
M.Pharmacy sessional exams coordinator Dr. Shashikala Metri
Contact mail: exambranch@grcp.ac.in